Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i think that i'm a farmer, but i'm not

birdseye view of romas

Here's evidence of why I don't post very often, I've been getting dirty. This summer marks my first serious attempt to grow a few edibles to bring to the table. Considering I have the smallest city plot that can barely be classified as land, I'd say my efforts weren't too shabby. I managed to avoid the plague of the stink bugs, at least up until now.

Lessons learned, gardening takes a ton of time and you don't always get out of it what you put in; plants need water and sun; baby stinkbugs will look cute until you realize they are stinkbugs and now you must commit homicide; and cats like chocolate mint.

a proud moment with a big cucumber and beefsteak tomato

I've dried some tea herbs already, and hopefully will make an attempt to dry more for the winter. I have enough garlic to ward off all the vampires in Western Pennsylvania. I perpetually have dirt under my fingernails and in the creases of my thumbs. Mostly I don't  make an effort to clean it off because I like how it reminds me that I'm a simple tiny human who thinks I can manipulate the humble piece of Earth I tend.
sideways upside-down view of cucumbers

a photographic moment of my first cucumber and tomato

blue's thought bubble reads, why are you making me stay inside while you're playing in the dirt?

More gardening things to come...stay tuned.